Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Kamarius - Spices From Sky

“This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment.
First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.”
- Rumi

Buy track from: https://kamarius.bandcamp.com/album/spices-from-sky
Also offered for free to my patrons and my website members. To download it for free go to my website and sign in or log in in the Members-Only page.

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Please visit my website for my newest albums and projects. You are welcome to subscribe to my mailing list to keep up with my latest works. Free Downloads and surprises for the site members and Facebook fans.
For Music Licensing and Custom Music (for Media, TV, Films, Video Games, etc) please contact me via my website. There's already a stock of music and sounds that I am creating to fit in different projects.
Promotion, sponsors, donations, support, sharing, good thoughts are always welcome.
I warmly invite you to support my artistic creativity (music and videos) and in this way to bring the message of Peace, Love, Joy, Beauty, Kindness and Inner Freedom to more and more people. You can become my patron:
I also want to thank all of you who helped and supported me along this way so far. Love and blessings!
