Wednesday, July 20, 2022

News, activity and where you can find my music now

Hello dear friends, 

As you could see I wasn't so active here on this blog for quite a long time. But I was active in music and I've released quite a few albums since my last post here. 

You can find my music on Bandcamp and my website. You can go directly to my Bandcamp page and have a listen to and buy my new albums. Also from time to time I still post videos on my Youtube channel.  

And also you can support me on Patreon

For some of you who don't know I have also a side project called K Ambient Sounds where I produce mostly music for relaxation, meditation and wellbeing. 

Here you can find my Bandcamp page for this project: K Ambient Sounds

So, as far as I am concerned this blog will remain just as a pointer and reminder. 

Thank you so much for your support and for listening to my music. 

Warm embraces,


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